दिल्ली के न्यू अशोक नगर इलाके में पिछले कई महीने से इलाके में अपनी दबंगई दिखाने को लेकर इलाके में कई राहगीरों को पीटना शुरू कर देते हैं. अगर कोई उनके सामने ज्यादा बोल दे तो उसे पीटना शुरू कर देते हैं. मुकेश कुमार अपने घर के पास दुकान से खाने के लिए रेहड़ी से कुछ लेने गया था और जैसे ही खाना पैक करवा कर अपने घर की तरफ चलने लगा, वैसे ही 4 से 5 बदमाशों ने उस पर हमला कर दिया.
In the New Ashok Nagar area of Delhi, for the last several months, some scounderal begin to beat localites. If someone speaks in front of them, they begin to beat him. a day before, Mukesh Kumar went to buy something from the shop near his house, and as soon as the food packaged and he started walking towards his house, 4 to 5 rascals attacked him.
In the New Ashok Nagar area of Delhi, for the last several months, some scounderal begin to beat localites. If someone speaks in front of them, they begin to beat him. a day before, Mukesh Kumar went to buy something from the shop near his house, and as soon as the food packaged and he started walking towards his house, 4 to 5 rascals attacked him.