वाराणसी को प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने 557 करोड़ रुपए की सौगात दी. साथ ही बीएचयू की रैली में काम का हिसाब देते हुए बोले कि आप ही मेरे मालिक, आप ही मेरे हाईकमान हैं. साथ ही मोदी ने कहा कि विकास कार्यों से क्षेत्र में बदलाव नजर आने लगा है. पीएम की रैली के दौरान काले बुर्के में आई महिलाओं के बुर्के उतरने को लेकर विवाद हो गया. सुरक्षा के नाम पर उतरवाए गए महिलाओं के बुर्के पर देवबंद के उलेमा ने नाराजगी जाहिर करते हुए कहा कि जब भरोसा नहीं था तो वहां जाकर तौहीन कराने की जरूरत क्या थी?
100 Shehar 100 Khabar: Black Burqa fear in Modi rally!
Prime Minister Modi gave gift of Rs. 557 crores to Varanasi. In the BHU rally he said that development works have started to change in the area. During the PM's rally, there was a dispute about the arrival of women in the black Burqa. Deoband's Ulema expressed his displeasure over the issue and said that when there was no faith, what was the need to go there to be dishonoured?
100 Shehar 100 Khabar: Black Burka fear in Modi rally!
Prime Minister Modi gave gift of Rs. 557 crores to Varanasi. In the BHU rally he said that development works have started to change in the area. During the PM's rally, there was a dispute about the arrival of women in the black Burqa. Deoband's Ulema expressed his displeasure over the issue and said that when there was no faith, what was the need to go there to be dishonored?