उत्तराखंड के उत्तरकाशी में लैंडस्लाइड की चपेट में टैंपो ट्रैवलर के आने से बड़ा हादसा हुआ. गाड़ी में सवार 15 लोगों में से 13 की मौत हो गई. नैनीताल में भी लगातार भारी बारिश हो रही है. प्रशासन ने अलर्ट जारी किया. इलाहाबाद में संगम का पानी सड़क तक आया.
Landslide in Uttarakhand Due to Heavy Rain
The Tempo Traveler in grip of Landslide in uttrakhand. There were 15 people in traveler. 13 of them has been died. Nainital is also continuously receiving heavy rains. The administration issued an alert. The water of Sangam in Allahabad came to the road.
The Tempo Traveler in grip of Landslide in uttrakhand. There were 15 people in traveler. 13 of them has been died. Nainital is also continuously receiving heavy rains. The administration issued an alert. The water of Sangam in Allahabad came to the road.