मुंबई में सिविल सोसाइटी के सदस्य केरल निवासी नन के इंसाफ की लड़ाई लड़ने मैदान में उतरे. उन्होंने मांग की है कि अपराधी फ्रैंको मुल्लकल को जल्द से जल्द सजा दी जाए.
civil society landed in the battle for justice of Nun
In Mumbai, a member of the civil society landed in the battle for justice of Nun, resident of Kerala. They have demanded that convict Franco Mullakal be punished at the earliest.
In Mumbai, a member of the civil society landed in the battle for justice of Nun, resident of Kerala. They have demanded that convict Franco Mullakal be punished at the earliest.