चीन समेत दुनिया के कई देशों में कोहराम मचाने के बाद कोरोना वायरस अब भारत में घुसपैठ की तैयारी कर रहा है, देश के कई शहरों में कोरोना से जुड़े संदिग्ध सामने आ रहे हैं. जिसे लड़ने के लिए हिंदुस्तान ने भी कमर कस ली है. एयरपोर्ट से लेकर विदेश से आने और जाने वाले यात्रियों पर नजर रखी जा रही है. क्योंकि कोरोना से घबरना नहीं है. बल्कि चीन के इस वायरस को हराना है.
The deadly coronavirus outbreak has spread to more than 70 countries and is wreaking havoc globally. The deadly infection has killed over 3,000 people and infecting almost 90,000 globally since first detected in December in China last year. On Monday, the Indian government confirmed two fresh cases of coronavirus, one in Delhi and another in Telangana. Six suspected cases have likely been detected in Agra who may have come in contact with the patient from Delhi. The government is awaiting test results from the National Institute of Virology in Pune, the health ministry said in an update on Tuesday. Two schools in Noida were shut amid virus scare. Some children from the Noida school were said to have attended a birthday party at the house of the Delhi man who caught coronavirus. Karnataka government to asked schools authorities to grant leave to students, staff with cold, fever.