दिल्ली की तीस हजारी अदालत में हुए संग्राम की जांच एसआईटी को सौंप दी गई है. अब इस एसआईटी इस पूरे मामले की कड़ियां खंगालेगी. इस बीच बवाल की कुछ नई तस्वीरें सामने आई हैं. जिनमें पुलिसवालों और वकीलों के बीच हुई खूनी झड़प का सच कैद है.
A major scuffle broke out between the Delhi Police and the lawyers in Tis Hazari Court on Saturday. At least 20 policemen were injured which included additional DCP and two SHOs. Further, eight lawyers were hurt in the clash with the Delhi Police. Twelve motorcycles, one gypsy, eight jail vans which were outside the lockup were demolished. Some vehicles were set on fire.