उत्तर प्रदेश के अमरोहा में एक एक शख्स शराब के नशे में जिंदा सांप को निगल गया. इससे करीब 4 घंटे बाद उसकी मौत हो गई. मृतक की पहचान 40 वर्षीय महिपाल सिंह के तौर पर हुई है.
Drunked man swallow live snake dies after four hour
A man in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha swallowed the snake alive in the drunken liquor. He died about 4 hours later. The deceased has been identified as 40 year old Mahipal Singh.
A man in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha swallowed the snake alive in the drunken liquor. He died about 4 hours later. The deceased has been identified as 40 year old Mahipal Singh.