चाल चक्र के कार्यक्रम में जानें कैसे करें भगवान कृष्ण के जन्म के मौके पर तैयारी कर पाएं भगवान की विशेष कृपा. साथ ही जानिए जन्माष्टमी पर कैसी करना चाहिए पूजन की तैयारियां? कैसे करें नंदगोपाल का श्रृंगार? और कार्यक्रम के अंत में जानें राशियों की सटीक भविष्यवाणी.
Kaal Chakra: know how to get special grace on Lord Krishna's birthday
Know in the program of the Kaal Chakra what type of preparation should make on the occasion of Lord Krishna's birth to get special grace of God. Also, know how to make Janmashtami and preparations for worship? How to make Nandgopal's makeup? And at the end of the program, know precise predictions of zodiac signs.
Kaal Chakra: know how to get special grace on Lord Krishna's birthday
Know in the program of the Kaal Chakra what type of preparation should make on the occasion of Lord Krishna's birth to get special grace of God. Also, know how to make Janmashtami and preparations for worship? How to make Nandgopal's makeup? And at the end of the program, know precise predictions of zodiac signs.