अगर आपको मकान बनाना है तो पार्षद को पैसे खिलाने पड़ेंगे. आप दुकान खोलना चाहते हैं तो आपको पार्षद को पैसे खिलाने पड़ेंगे. आप दुर्गापूजा का पंडाल लगाना चाहते हैं तो भी पार्षद को पैसे देने पड़ेंगे. सिर्फ पैसे दे देने भर से मुक्ति नहीं होगी. आप दुकान बनाने के लिए बजरी, सीमेंट, रेत, पत्थर जो भी खरीदेंगे. वो भी उन्हीं की बताई दुकानों से. ये पश्चिम बंगाल की राजधानी कोलकाता का सच है. देखिए दंगल.
Cholbe na! ‘Syndicate Raj’ thrives in Didi regimeIf you want to build a house then the councilor will have to feed money. If you want to open the shop then you have to feed the councilor. If you want to install Dangapuja pandal, then the councilor will have to pay money. There will be no freedom from paying only money. What you will buy gravel, cement, sand, stone for making shop. They also told them out of the shops This is true of West Bengal's capital Kolkata
Cholbe na! ‘Syndicate Raj’ thrives in Didi regime
If you want to build a house then the councilor will have to feed money. If you want to open the shop then you have to feed the councilor. If you want to install Dangapuja pandal, then the councilor will have to pay money. There will be no freedom from paying only money. What you will buy gravel, cement, sand, stone for making shop. They also told them out of the shops This is true of West Bengal's capital Kolkata