बीजेपी की कार्यकारिणी बैठक में फैसला किया गया कि बीजेपी अमित शाह की अध्यक्षता में 2019 का चुनाव लड़ेगी. बीजेपी कार्यकारिणी में और कई फैसले लिए गए. एक साल तक पार्टी संगठन के चुनाव नहीं होंगे. जनवरी 2019 में अमित शाह का कार्यकाल खत्म हो रहा है.
BJP will fight in 2019 under leadership of Shah
It was decided in the BJP Working Committee that the BJP will contest the 2019 elections under the leadership of Amit Shah. Several more decisions were taken in the BJP executive. Party organization will not be elected for one year. Amit Shah's tenure ends in January 2019.
BJP will fight in 2019 under leadership of Shah It was decided in the BJP Working Committee that the BJP will contest the 2019 elections under the leadership of Amit Shah. Several more decisions were taken in the BJP executive. Party organization will not be elected for one year. Amit Shah's tenure ends in January 2019.