दिवाली का त्योहार है. इस अवसर पर लोग एक दूसरे को मिठाई बांट रहे हैं. लेकिन कहा जा रहा है कि अधिकांश दुकानों में जो मिठाइयां मिल रही हैं वह नकली दूध से बनाई जा रही हैं. आइए वायरल टेस्ट में जानते हैं क्या है सच्चाई. देखें वायरल टेस्ट.
Before you plan to gorge on mithai this festival season, consider a shocking fact. Two out of every three Indians drink milk adulterated with detergent, caustic soda, urea and paint. That's what Union Minister for Science and Technology Harsh Vardhan had told the Lok Sabha in 2016. He was quoting a nationwide survey conducted by FSSAI, India’s food regulator. Recently, an Animal Welfare Board report revealed that 68.7 per cent of the milk production in the country, along with milk byproducts , was found to be laced with polluting ingredients.