एस्ट्रो अंकल आज आपको बताएंगे पढ़ाई-लिखाई, नौकरी-कारोबार से जुड़ी समस्याओं को आसान बनाने के उपाय. 23 सितंबर रविवार को गणपति विसर्जन है यानी गणेशजी की विदाई होगी. इस दिन अनंत चतुर्दशी भी मनाई जाएगी. तो जाने इस खास दिन आपको क्या सावधानियां रखनी हैं.
Astro Uncle tells you, how to make your day special on Anant Chaturdashi occasion
Astro Uncle will tell you today the steps to ease the problems related to study, job and buisness. Ganapati immersion is on Sunday, September 23. On this day Anant Chaturdasi will also be celebrated. So let's keep what precautions you have to keep on this special day.
Astro Uncle tells you, how to make your day special on Anant Chaturdashi occasion
Astro Uncle will tell you today the steps to ease the problems related to study, job and buisness. Ganapati immersion is on Sunday, September 23. On this day Anant Chaturdasi will also be celebrated. So let's keep what precautions you have to keep on this special day.