संजय सिन्हा लेकर आए हैं आज एक ऐसी कहानी. जिसमें इसकी नायिका का परिवार देश के बंटवारे के दौरान कहीं खो जाता है. तमाम कोशिशों के बावजूद कामयाबी न मिलने पर उसने पाकिस्तान जाने का फैसला किया. इसके बाद शुरू होता है उसका संघर्ष पूरी कहानी जानने के लिए देखिए यह एपिसोड.
Sanjay Sinha ki Kahani: Miiti se mukt ped
Sanjay Sinha has come up with such a story today. Where its heroine's family is lost somewhere during the partition of the country. Despite all the efforts he did not get success, he decided to go to Pakistan. After this, his struggle begins. To know about the full story, watch this episode.
Sanjay Sinha ki Kahani: Miiti se mukt ped
Sanjay Sinha has come up with such a story today. Where its heroine's family is lost somewhere during the partition of the country. Despite all the efforts he did not get success, he decided to go to Pakistan. After this, his struggle begins. To know about the full story, watch this episode.