कथित नागा साधू के पिटाई का वीडियो जमकर शेयर हो रहा है. इस वीडियो में नागा साधू को लोग पीट रहे हैं. इसके साथ ही एक मैसेज चल रहा है जिसमें देहरादून को निशाने पर लिया गया है. क्या है इस वीडियो की हकीकत. देखिए इस रिपोर्ट में.
Truth behind Naga sadhu beaten
The video of the alleged Naga sadhu's beating is being shared on social media. Naga Sadhu beaten by the People in this video. Along with this there is a message that Dehradun has been targeted. What is the reality of this video? See in this report.
Truth behind Naga sadhu beaten
The video of the alleged Naga sadhu's beating is being shared on social media. Naga Sadhu beaten by the People in this video. Along with this there is a message that Dehradun has been targeted. What is the reality of this video? See in this report.