The UK policy of "herd immunity" is madness, and Boris Johnson is the Neville Chamberlain of our day.
— Ben Hunt (@EpsilonTheory) March 14, 2020
The Health Secretary @MattHancock said live on TV "herd immunity" is not government policy. For 48 hours Sir Patrick Vallance, the govts. chief scientific advisor had said it is THE government policy. The whole response from @BorisJohnson govt is shambolic #Marr #HighRiskCovid19
— One eighth of a mile (@EighthOfAMile_) March 15, 2020
THIS IS BONKERS: Boris’s advisors wants to go with herd immunity which (w/out vaccine) means making millions sick - “experts estimated that about 60% UK’s 66m population would have to contract coronavirus in order for society to build up immunity” #COVID19
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 14, 2020