मध्य प्रदेश में पकड़े गए हाइवे के हत्यारों का नया खुलासा. पुलिस से पूछताछ में गिरोह ने 3 और हत्याएं कबूलीं. अब इस गिरोह के द्वारा की गयी हत्याओं का आंकड़ा 30 से बढ़कर 33 हत्याओं तक पहुंच गया है. इस मामले में 'आजतक' की टीम ने भोपाल डीआइजी धर्मेंद्र चौधरी से की बात. Madhya Pradesh: Special Talk with DIG Dharmendra Chaudhary New disclosures of highway killers caught in Madhya Pradesh. In connection with the police, the gang accepted 3 more murders. Now the figure of murders committed by this gang has increased from 30 to 33 killings. In this case, the team of 'Aajtak' special talk with Bhopal DIG Dharmendra Chaudhary.
New disclosures of highway killers caught in Madhya Pradesh. In connection with the police, the gang accepted 3 more murders. Now the figure of murders committed by this gang has increased from 30 to 33 killings. In this case, the team of 'Aajtak' special talk with Bhopal DIG Dharmendra Chaudhary.