पूरा देश जानता है कि बीते चार साल से प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने देशभर में सफाई अभियान छेड़ा हुआ है. बीते दिनों इस सफाई अभियान की सालगिरह से पहले एक बार फिर स्वच्छता ही सेवा अभियान छेड़ा ताकि देश को साफ किया जा सके. लेकिन क्या वाकई इस अभियान से देश तो छोड़िए देश की राजधानी साफ हो पा रही है या फिर ये रिएलिटी शो बनकर रह गया है.देखिए ये रिपोर्ट. Cleaniness campaign or a Reality show ?The whole country knows that for the last four years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a cleaniness campaign across the country. Before the anniversary of this cleaning campaign, once again sanitation service campaign has been launched so that the country can be cleared. But is this country really going to be cleaned by this campaign, or is it a reality show?
The whole country knows that for the last four years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a cleaniness campaign across the country. Before the anniversary of this cleaning campaign, once again sanitation service campaign has been launched so that the country can be cleared. But is this country really going to be cleaned by this campaign, or is it a reality show?