
जानिए अंग्रेजी के ये शॉर्टकट Words

जानिए अंग्रेजी के ऐसे शब्‍दों के बारे में जिनके शार्टकट चलन में हैं.

english learning
english learning

जानिए अंग्रेजी के ऐसे शब्‍दों के बारे में जिनके शार्टकट चलन में हैं.

along the lines of - like
as a matter of fact - in fact
at all times - now, currently
at the present times - now, currently
because of the fact that - because
by mean of - by
draw to your attention - point out
due to the fact that - because
for the purpose of - for
for the reason that - because
have the ability to - be able to, can
in the light of fact that - because
