नागरिकता संशोधन कानून (CAA) के खिलाफ देशभर में छात्र सड़कों पर उतरे. कानून के विरोध में दिल्ली के जामिया नगर क्षेत्र में जो हिंसा हुई और पुलिस की कार्रवाई हुई, उसके विरोध में देश की कई यूनिवर्सिटी प्रदर्शन कर रही हैं. रविवार शाम दिल्ली की जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया यूनिवर्सिटी में स्टूडेंट्स और दिल्ली पुलिस के बीच टकराव हुआ. सोशल मीडिया पर कई वीडियो वायरल हुए.
ऐसे में सभी के मन में ये सवाल था कि हर छोटी-बड़ी बात कर अपने विचार व्यक्त करने वाले बॉलीवुड स्टार्स आखिर क्यों इस मामले में चुप्पी साधे हुए हैं. अब कई बॉलीवुड सेलिब्रिटीज ने जामिया के स्टूडेंट्स का सपोर्ट किया है. उन्होंने पुलिस की निंदा करते हुए कहा है कि ये एक शर्मनाक बात है.
परिणीति चोपड़ा, मनोज बाजपेयी, राजकुमार राव, सोनाक्षी सिन्हा, दिया मिर्जा, रितेश देशमुख संग अन्य ने हिंसा की निंदा करते हुए जामिया के साथ खड़े होने का फैसला किया है. सभी ने ट्विटर पर अपनी बात कहते हुए बच्चों को अपना सपोर्ट दिया. देखिए स्टार्स ने उठाई आवाज:
Sir, please ask people to stay away from all your IT cell Twitter handles then. They spread the most amount of rumours, falsehoods and are totally against brotherhood, peace and unity. The real."tukde tukde" gang is your IT cell sir. Please stop them from spreading hate 🙏🏽🙏🏽 https://t.co/bMaXDFnvsP
— Renuka Shahane (@renukash) December 16, 2019
‘To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activities so that the nation constantly RISES TO HIGHER LEVELS OF ENDEAVOUR AND ACHIEVEMENT.’ - Article 51 A (j) #ConstitutionofIndia #UnityIsOurReligion #FundamentalDuty https://t.co/Hk44AsnUFz
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) December 17, 2019
This is what we were, what we are and what we MUST remain! #neverforget pic.twitter.com/itmacCC9qV
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) December 17, 2019
If this is what’s gonna happen everytime a citizen expresses their view, forget #CAB, we should pass a bill and not call our country a democracy anymore! Beating up innocent human beings for speaking their mind? BARBARIC.
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) December 17, 2019
Needless to say, I stand in solidarity with anyone facing police brutality, especially students. #CABPolitics #CAAProtests
— रanviर_ डhoरeय_ (Ranvir Shorey) (@RanvirShorey) December 16, 2019
You call ppl who disagree with you dummies. How arrogant! U use arbitrary manufactured labels. What is an UrbanNaxal? Do you know how foolish you sound when you use that? We can call you anything too, respectfully. How’s #NaveenNazi #ModernFascist or #FarziNationalist ? https://t.co/SgEfBh5RyL
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) December 17, 2019
A democratically elected Govt that creates laws against its own people is following the Nazi Germany model clearly. This government has failed the people of this country. See what is happening on the streets . India is protesting 🇮🇳 You cannot divide us https://t.co/5toqbTkSOS
— Huma Qureshi (@humasqureshi) December 17, 2019
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.
With the students and their democratic rights to protest ! I condemn violence against protesting students!!!!!
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) December 16, 2019
I strongly condemn the violence that the police have shown in dealing with the students. In a democracy the citizens have the right to peacefully protest.I also condemn any kind of act of destruction of the public properties. Violence is not the solution for anything!
— Rajkummar Rao (@RajkummarRao) December 16, 2019
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) December 16, 2019