
ऑस्कर नॉमिनेटेड फिल्म एडिटर का 75 साल की उम्र में निधन

Richard Marks death फिल्म अपॉकलिप्स नाओ के लिए ऑस्कर के लिए नामित होने वाले फिल्ममेकर रिचर्ड मार्क्‍स का निधन हो गया है. वो 75 वर्ष के थे. उनकी पत्नी ने इस बात की पुष्टि की.

रिचर्ड मार्क्‍स (फोटो- इंस्टाग्राम)
रिचर्ड मार्क्‍स (फोटो- इंस्टाग्राम)


फिल्म 'अपॉकलिप्स नाओ' के लिए ऑस्कर के लिए नामित होने वाले फिल्ममेकर रिचर्ड मार्क्‍स का निधन हो गया है. वो 75 वर्ष के थे. उनकी पत्नी, फिल्म एडिटर बारबरा मार्क्‍स ने 'वेराइटी डॉट कॉम' से इस बात की पुष्टि की. 31 दिसंबर को अकस्मात उनका निधन हो गया.

बता दें कि उनकी फिल्म 'टर्म्स ऑफ एंडियरमेंट' सर्वश्रेष्ठ फिल्म का ऑस्कर जीत चुकी है. इस फिल्म से उन्हें पहचाने मिली. मार्क्‍स ने 'जंपिन जैक फ्लैश', 'व्हाट प्लैनेट आर यू फ्रॉम?' और 'पेनीज फ्रॉम हैवन' जैसी फिल्मों का निर्माण भी किया.

साल 1943 में जन्मे मार्क्‍स ने 1967 में बारबरा से शादी रचाई. वह 1969 में फ्रांसिस फोर्ड कोपोला की फिल्म 'रेन पीपल' के लिए सहायक एडिटर बने. मार्क्‍स को 2013 में अमेरिकन सिनेमा एडिटर्स की ओर से करियर अचीवमेंट अवार्ड मिला.

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It is with great sadness to report that one of our long-time clients of 16 years, Richard Marks, has suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on New Year's Day in New York. I am nearly at a loss for words. Richard began with State of the Heart Fitness back in 2005 and had been a loyal client ever since. He was religious about his twice a week sessions, but for the past 3 months, he and Barbara were in Paris to visit friends, but also in New York, where they had an apartment. Both from New York, originally, they would usually spend this time of the year back in NY for a few months. Just last week Richard texted me that he was looking forward to being back and he wanted to resume his sessions starting on Monday January 21st. I told him I couldn't wait to see him because I always loved our conversations, laughter and typical back n' forth banter. Richard, simply, was an amazing man. Very quiet and modest in many ways... yet, chances are, you have all seen some of his work as an Academy Award nominated film editor. Some of his classic films are Terms of Endearment, Apocalypse Now, and As Good As It Gets... just to name a few. I'm just in shock and the tears are there. The picture of he and i at the top of this email was back in September before he left. It is the ONLY picture I ever took of us in all of those years. Why this time? Why now? Did I know on something on some level? I will cherish this picture forever. As you can see... we were laughing like always. I'm sure I had probably just sang him a song. Ha! He loved (NOT) when I sang. Actually he'd say he didn't like my singing but I know he really did so I sang as much as I could. 😜 Richard... I will miss you terribly and I know Barbara and your family will too... and all of your friends. You will never be forgotten. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life and for being a part of mine. I am a better person because of you. I will keep your time of 11:00 am open on Monday, January 21st in honor of you. RIP, sweet man. ❤️😢 #richardmarks #academyawards #filmeditor #legend #apocalypsenow #asgoodasitgets #termsofendearment


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मार्क्‍स ने जेम्स ब्रुक की सभी छह फिल्मों, 'टर्म्स ऑफ एंडियरमेंट', 'ब्रॉडकॉस्ट न्यूज', 'एज गुड एज इट गेट्स', 'आई विल डू एनीथिंग', 'स्पैंग्लिश' और 'हाउ डू यू नो' का संपादन किया.

उन्होंने एक दशक से ज्यादा समय तक यूसीएलए में एडिटिंग सिखाया. उनके परिवार में उनकी पत्नी बारबरा और बेटी लेस्ली हैं.
