देश के किसान 13 दिन से सड़कों पर हैं और आज कृषि कानून के खिलाफ किसानों का भारत बंद जारी है. दिल्ली से लेकर बंगाल और यूपी से लेकर कर्नाटक तक भारत बंद का असर दिख रहा है. कई राजनीतिक दल इस बंद के समर्थन में हैं और सड़कों पर उतरे हैं. देखें इस पर क्या बोले केंद्रीय मंत्री प्रकाश जावडेकर.
Union Minister Prakash Javadekar slams Opposition saying Congress never offered anything to the farmers, it is PM Modi who is giving them the prices. “Farmers had demanded remunerative price additional to the cost and we are giving them 50% above the cost. Congress has never offered anything during their tenure. It is PM Modi who is giving this. The Opposition who is asking to roll back these laws is hypocritical as they had passed the contract farming act while in power. Congress has mentioned the introduction of these laws in their manifesto,” said Javadekar.