नेपाल में आए भीषण भूकंप के बाद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा कि भारत नेपाल को हर संभव मदद देने के लिए तैयार है. नेपाल में इस त्रासदी से अभी तक 680 से ज्यादा लोगों के मारे जाने की पुष्टि हो चुकी है. इस दुख की घड़ी में पूरा भारत नेपाल के साथ खड़ा. बॉलिवुड हो या राजनेता हर किसी ने नेपाल के लिए संवेदनाएं व्यक्त की हैं. ट्विटर पर भी भूकंप को लेकर कई ट्वीट्स की गई हैं.
अमिताभ बच्चन, शाहरुख खान, सुषमा स्वराज, अरुण जेटली हर किसी ने ट्विटर के जरिए नेपाल के लिए संवेदना व्यक्त की है. नेपाल में आए इस भीषण भूकंप का असर उत्तर भारत में भी देखने को मिला है. बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश और पश्चिम बंगाल में मिलाकर 30 से ज्यादा लोगों की मौत की पुष्टि हो चुकी है.
भूकंप को लेकर इन दिग्गजों ने किए ट्वीट्सः
May Allah look after all. Here r the emergency contact numbers for Nepal,share, help. Prayers with all in Nepal. pic.twitter.com/PzZKBADMbD”
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) April 25, 2015
T 1845 - O ! God .. this is Nepal earthquake ..!!! I shot a song here for 'Mahaan' with Zeenat Aman .. pray all well pic.twitter.com/Q8ZcMaB57C
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 25, 2015
OMG ! 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal & parts of Northern & Eastern India. I pray to God that everyone is safe 🙏 🙏 #earthquake
— Preity zinta (@realpreityzinta) April 25, 2015
Prayers for all the ppl suffering due to the #earthquake in Nepal and all the other affected areas. #NaturesFury
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) April 25, 2015
News of #Nepal is scary and horrifying. My deepest sympathies and condolences to all who are affected. :(
— VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) April 25, 2015
Devastated to hear about earthquake in Nepal & North India. Our Govt has set up a helpline. Call 1070/ 080-22340676/22032582/22353980
— CM of Karnataka (@CMofKarnataka) April 25, 2015
Just landed after 10 hrs long flight from Indonesia. Sorry to know about the massive earthquake in our eastern states and Nepal.
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) April 25, 2015
Lot of damage in Bihar also due to earthquake. I Pray for the lives of those affected. #NepalQuake
— Shahnawaz Hussain (@ShahnawazBJP) April 25, 2015
Very sad to hear loss of lives in Nepal & Bihar - 150 lives lost so far due to severe earthquake.
— Rajiv Pratap Rudy (@RajivPratapRudy) April 25, 2015
I pray for safety & well-being of all affected in the severe earthquake. We stand by the people of Nepal in these difficult times.
— Vasundhara Raje (@VasundharaBJP) April 25, 2015
Extremely Distressed over the massive Earthquake in Nepal & India.My heart goes to those who lost their life. Prayers for injured & effected
— Ravi Shankar Prasad (@rsprasad) April 25, 2015
Instructed State officials to be in touch with tourists from Maharashtra in Nepal and to give all the support and help.
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) April 25, 2015
We are finding more details about earthquake and have asked the administration to help & reach out to affected people and to remain alert.
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) April 25, 2015
Shri Rahul Gandhi's statement on the massive earthquake today (1/3)
— INC India (@INCIndia) April 25, 2015
My thoughts and prayers are with the people affected by the massive earthquake in Nepal and parts of India. (2/3)
— INC India (@INCIndia) April 25, 2015
I hope damage to life and property is limited and those in need receive assistance at the earliest. (3/3)
— INC India (@INCIndia) April 25, 2015
My heart goes out to the people of Nepal who have been hit by a massive earthquake. We stand by the people of Nepal in these difficult times
— Rajnath Singh (@BJPRajnathSingh) April 25, 2015