पहली विदेश यात्रा करके प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी स्वदेश लौट आए हैं. पारो हवाई अड्डे पर भूटान के प्रधानमंत्री शेरिंग तोबगे और उनके मंत्रिमंडल के कई सदस्यों ने मोदी को गर्मजोशी के साथ विदाई दी. पीएम मोदी भूटान में हुए भव्य स्वागत और विदाई से काफी खुश नजर आए.
स्वदेश लौट कर ट्वीट के जरिए मोदी ने अपनी भूटान यात्रा का विवरण दिया-
Back to Delhi. This Bhutan trip will remain etched in my memory. It was a very satisfying & productive visit pic.twitter.com/hFWpesyqZb
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014
Addressed Bhutan's Parliament. When Bhutan moves ahead, India too feels like taking steps ahead to support Bhutan http://t.co/ytu3GzezkX
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014
In a short span of time, Bhutan has developed immense faith in democratic institutions. This is wonderful for Bhutan's development journey.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014
Was happy to know about the large allocation for education in Bhutan's last budget. It shows commitment to well-being of future generations!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014
India plans to create an e-library network in Bhutan & we would double scholarships being given to students of Bhutan.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014
Touched by welcome song sung by primary school students during the luncheon hosted by His Majesty the King of Bhutan pic.twitter.com/Jl6Kkg4RDl
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2014