लोकसभा में बुधवार को कांग्रेस उपाध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी के आक्रामक तेवर का सोशल मीडिया पर काफी असर हुआ. माइक्रो ब्लॉगिंग साइट ट्विटर पर राहुल गांधी टॉप ट्रेंड करने लगे. लोगों ने उन्हें निशाने पर ले लिया. उनके भाषण, अंदाज, तथ्य और जानकारी तक पर लोगों ने अपनी बातें मजाक के लहजे में रखी.
The nation wants to know where was #RahulGandhi when he had disappeared for a month? #Loksabha
— Ashoke Pandit (@ashokepandit) March 2, 2016
#CongressBurningHaryana #RahulGandhi a illeterate uncouth, cannot even write a condolence message creating hurdles 2 #ModiSarkar @PMOIndia
— elkay (@elkay14) February 22, 2016
@OfficeOfRG how will u justify ur sentiment after having supported JNU row on Afzal ? #RahulGandhi #JNURow
— Mukta Sharma (@muktasharmania) February 21, 2016
#rahulgandhi #jnu Frgt dat : INDIRA IS INDIA, INDIA IS INDIRA??? U forget that kiddo.
— lolwa (@tylerlance115) March 2, 2016
when #RahulGandhi decides 2 giv a speech , he starts saying 'SORRY' wid a speed of 1 sorry per 2 sentences...Grow up!!!#pappuPassNhiHoSakta
— piyush bajaj (@piyushbajajsays) March 2, 2016
#Pappu & his Mommy will destroy growth and peace while destroying #ThePrimeMinister at any cost.
— Rakesh Anand Bakshi (@RakBak16) March 2, 2016
पप्पू #ThePrimeMinister का मतलब भले आज देश ना हो, लेकिन राहुल भूल गए कभी ऐसा ही हुआ करता था! #RahulGandhiinLokSabha https://t.co/O4xYWyisCr
— Tinku Baghel (@baghel_tinku) March 2, 2016
#RahulGandhiinLokSabha isn't it advantage BJP whenever Rahul speaks in Parliament.... Surely 2019 will be a walkover for Modi sarkar ...
— Nithin K Bhandary (@BantwalNITHIN) March 2, 2016
#RahulGandhiinLokSabha Dear Rahul, I believe u r a decent man, but u're not made for Indian politics. You should quit & go back to the West
— Francois Gautier (@fgautier26) March 2, 2016
Comedy show must go on ."Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha" #RahulGandhiInLokSabha
— Sangam (@Sharma__Sangam) March 2, 2016
समर्थन में भी दिखे लोग
सदन में राहुल के भाषण के खत्म होने के थोड़ी देर बाद ही हैशटैग #ThePrimeMinister और #RahulGandhiInLoksabha भी ट्रेंड कर रहा था. इसके साथ कई मशहूर हस्तियों और अन्य ट्विटरातियों ने अपने विचार रखे. कुछ लोगों ने राहुल गांधी के भाषण का समर्थन भी किया.
Timely & very forceful intervention by @OfficeOfRG. Good to see things that needed to be said are being brought to the fore. Well done.
— Omar Abdullah (@abdullah_omar) March 2, 2016
Rahul Gandhi in Loksabha: Pradhan Mantri Fair & Lovely Black money Youjna- Black ko karein white..
— paras tandon (@parastandon) March 2, 2016
Rahul Gandhi's remarks about Savarkar. Perfect.
— Guus Huddink (@FinnIndian) March 2, 2016
Not sure who made that speech for Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha but the Fair & Lovely & Babbar sher reference was spot on , the kid is improving
— Cletus Quadros (@Cletus_Quadros) March 2, 2016
I think Rahul Gandhi should wind up now, while he is ahead. Many good points made. Let's not jinx it...
— Wildcard Vidyut (@Vidyut) March 2, 2016
Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha Suit Boot se Fair and Lovely. Dekhte jaiye aur kya kya judega is sarkar se
— Anshuman Lal (@Anshu31184lal) March 2, 2016
India needs to see this playful, witty and feisty version of Rahul Gandhi more often.
— Angellica Aribam (@AngellicAribam) March 2, 2016
Reaction of bhakts after watching Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha pic.twitter.com/lXLTXgTzK9
— Nitin Chavan (@a20nitin) March 2, 2016
Today speech #RahulGandhiinLokSabha that means Pappu mature ho gaya
— abhi tyagi (@tyagiabhishek15) March 2, 2016