कोलकाता में एक बिल्डिंग से अचानक नोटों की बारिश होने लगी. बिल्डिंग से होती नोटों की इस बारिश को देखकर लोग हैरान रह गए. जानकारी के मुताबिक जब नोट खिड़की से फेंके गए उस वक्त इस इमारत में आयकर विभाग के अधिकारी छापेमारी के लिए गए थे.
There was a shower of crisp currency notes from the sixth floor of a building in Kolkata central business district on Wednesday afternoon while DRI officials were conducting a search in a private office on that floor. Bundles of currency notes of denominations of Rs. 2,000, Rs. 500 and Rs. 100 were seen being pushed out of a window in the sixth floor with the help of a broom. DRI sources told news agency PTI that its officials had gone to the office of a private company engaged in export-import activities located on that floor to conduct search operations for alleged evasion of duty.