पूर्व जज और एल्गार परिषद के आयोजक बीजी कोलसे ने कहा कि पुणे में हुई एल्गार परिषद का माओवादी कनेक्शन नहीं है, सरकार की कार्रवाई राजनीति से प्रेरित है.Elgar Council not have Maoist connection!Former Judge and Elgar Council organizer BG Kolse said that the Elgar Council in Pune does not have Maoist connection, government action is inspired by politics.
Elgar Council not have Maoist connection! Former Judge and Elgar Council organizer BG Kolse said that the Elgar Council in Pune does not have Maoist connection, government action is inspired by politics.