मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता आनंद तेलतुंबड़े ने आरोप लगाया है कि सरकार विरोध में उठ रही आवाजों को दबाना चाहती है. तेलतुंबड़े के गोवा स्थित घर पर पुलीस ने कथित माओवादी लिंक्स के कारण छापेमारी की थी.Government wants to suppress voices raised in protestHuman rights activist Anand Teltumbde has alleged that the government wants to suppress the voices raised in protest. The police had conducted raids at the Teltumbde house located in the city due to alleged Maoist links.
Government wants to suppress voices raised in protest Human rights activist Anand Teltumbde has alleged that the government wants to suppress the voices raised in protest. The police had conducted raids at the Teltumbde house located in the city due to alleged Maoist links.