अब जिहादी ही पाकिस्तान की पोल खोलने लगे हैं. PoK के मुजफ्फराबाद की जेल में करीब एक साल काटने के बाद तीन जिहादी बड़ी मुश्किल से भागने में कामयाब हो जाते हैं और वापस हिंदुस्तान आकर सुरक्षाबलों के सामने सरेंडर कर देते हैं. जिहादी बनने गए तीनों नौजवानों को पीओके में समझ में आ जाता है कि आतंकी संगठन कश्मीर घाटी के नौजवानों को कैसे मोहरे की तरह इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं.
Now jehadis have started opening fraud of Pakistan. Three years after cutting a year in Muzaffarabad jail of PoK, three jehadists are able to escape very difficult and return to Hindustan and surrender in front of the security forces. The three youth who became the jehadi have understood in POK how terror groups are using the youth of the Kashmir Valley as a pawn.In the minds of these three, the intestines filled so many places that they crossed the border to become a jehadi and entered the POK. But, as soon as they entered the POK, the three faced as soon as the truth came ... the ground in their feet slipped down. Sophie, Sajjad and Abid were captured by the Pakistani army ... and the fort was thrown in jail. Soon these three were shifted to another special jail. Now jihadis have started exposing fraud of Pakistan. Three Jihadis after After completing one year prison sentence in Muzaffarabad jail of PoK, are able to escape and after return to India they surrenderd in front of the security forces. The three youth who became the jihadi have understood in PoK how terror groups are using the youth of the Kashmir Valley as a pawn. Sophie, Sajjad and Abid were captured by the Pakistani army.