
देश में विश्व कप खेलना का एडवांटेज मिलेगा: मनप्रीत सिंह

देश में विश्व कप खेलना का एडवांटेज मिलेगा: मनप्रीत सिंह

भारतीय हॉकी स्टार मनप्रीत सिंह ने कहा कि घरेलू धरती पर विश्व कप खेलना एडवांटेज होगा, लेकिन टीम को अब भी जीत के लिए लंबा फासला तय करना है. 'Playing World Cup in home would be an advantage'Indian hockey star Manpreet Singh said that playing World Cup in home would be an advantage, but the team still has to more practice to win.

'Playing World Cup in home would be an advantage' Indian hockey star Manpreet Singh said that playing World Cup in home would be an advantage, but the team still has to more practice to win.
