
शतक आजतक: MP की मस्जिद में मोदी

शतक आजतक: MP की मस्जिद में मोदी

प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने इंदौर में बोहरा समुदाय की मस्जिद में जाकर एक बड़ा राजनीतिक संदेश दिया है. सैफी मस्जिद में मोदी शिया धर्मगुरु से गले मिले और उनसे पुराने रिश्ते को भी याद किया. मोदी के मस्जिद दौरे को इमेज बदलने की कोशिश मानी जा रही है.PM narendra modi in mosquePM Modi was the chief guest in a program of Bohra Muslims in Indore today. Modi has given a big political message. In the Saifi Mosque, Modi hugged the cleric and also remembered the old relationship with him. Modi's visit to the mosque is considered an attempt to change the image.

PM Modi was the chief guest in a program of Bohra Muslims in Indore today. Modi has given a big political message. In the Saifi Mosque, Modi hugged the cleric and also remembered the old relationship with him. Modi's visit to the mosque is considered an attempt to change the image.
