उत्तर प्रदेश के अमरोहा में एक एक शख्स शराब के नशे में जिंदा सांप को निगल गया. इससे करीब 4 घंटे बाद उसकी मौत हो गई. मृतक की पहचान 40 वर्षीय महिपाल सिंह के तौर पर हुई है. Drunked man swallow live snake dies after four hourA man in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha swallowed the snake alive in the drunken liquor. He died about 4 hours later. The deceased has been identified as 40 year old Mahipal Singh.
A man in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha swallowed the snake alive in the drunken liquor. He died about 4 hours later. The deceased has been identified as 40 year old Mahipal Singh.