साहित्य आजतक 2018 के दूसरे दिन के पहले सत्र 'रहना तू, है जैसा तू' में कवि, गीतकार और लेखक प्रसून जोशी ने शिरकत की. इस सत्र का संचालन श्वेता सिंह ने किया. सत्र के दौरान प्रसून ने कहा कि उन्हें इस बात से आपत्ति है कि महिलाओं के लिए हाउसवाइफ की संज्ञा दी जाती है अथवा उन्हें नॉनवर्किंग कहा जाता है. और क्या बोले प्रसून देखिए...To License Sahitya Aaj Tak Images & Videos visit www.indiacontent.in or contact syndicationsteam@intoday.com
Screen Writer lyricist and Poet Prasoon Joshi were attended the second session of Sahitya AajTak 2018 on its second day. The session Rahna Tu, Hai Jaisa Tu was conducted by Shweta Singh. During the session, Prasoon has said the film industry has failed women by portraying them as objects. He further said, As a society too, we fail them. We call them housewives or non working. They have the responsibility of raising men and women into who they become. Thats no less.