इस हफ्ते एक ऐसे किताब की बात जो दावा करती है कि केवल सम्राटों और सेनानायकों से नहीं बना है भारत का इतिहास. भारत को अपने भव्य अतीत के लिए व्याेपारियों और संतों का कहीं अधिक ऋणी होना चाहिए. किताब हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों में उप्लब्ध है. How for centuries this open market and liberal religious outlook nurtured each other that is the story of Laxminana. Told through a medley of stories mined from religious literature or weighty academic tomes, this is the saga of India’s socio-economic power that has characterized not only India’s vibrant pluralistic society but also much of global history.
How for centuries this open market and liberal religious outlook nurtured each other that is the story of Laxminana. Told through a medley of stories mined from religious literature or weighty academic tomes, this is the saga of India’s socio-economic power that has characterized not only India’s vibrant pluralistic society but also much of global history.