चाल चक्र में आज मोटापा के ज्योतिष कनेक्शन के बारे में जानिए. मोटापा ही तमाम बीमारियों की जड़ है. आखिर मोटापा बढ़ाने में कौन से ग्रहों की भूमिका है और इसको कम करने के क्या उपाय हैं? देखिए पूरा वीडियो.....chaal chakra: Know connection between obesity and astrologyIn the programme chaal chakra, on 30 August 2018 know about connection between obesity and astrology. It is the root of all diseases. After all, which planets have the role of increasing obesity? Know how to reduce fat. see complete video...
In the programme chaal chakra, on 30 August 2018 know about connection between obesity and astrology. It is the root of all diseases. After all, which planets have the role of increasing obesity? Know how to reduce fat. see complete video...