चाल चक्र में आज आपको बताएंगे शरीर पर पाए जाने वाले तिलों का हमारे ऊपर क्या असर पड़ता है? सामुद्रिक शास्त्र में शरीर के चिह्न और लक्षणों के अर्थ की चर्चा की गई है. यह भी बताया गया है कि , इन चिह्नों का प्रभाव क्या है? इन चिह्नों में तिल , मस्से और अन्य विशेष आकृतियां आती हैं. शरीर में तिलों के माध्यम से बड़ी आसानी से काफी बातों को जाना और समझा जा सकता है. Chal Chakra : Moles on the body indicate wealth and overseas travel Almost every born human has either markings or moles on his/her body that serves as a sign of unique identification. Ancient sages studied these moles on the body, and came to conclusion that these marks were associated with an individual’s personality and their future. Moles are often labeled as ‘til’ in the Hindu astrology; the presence and positioning of moles, hold a significant importance. Did you know, these moles hold the secret to your success and failure?
Almost every born human has either markings or moles on his/her body that serves as a sign of unique identification. Ancient sages studied these moles on the body, and came to conclusion that these marks were associated with an individual’s personality and their future. Moles are often labeled as ‘til’ in the Hindu astrology; the presence and positioning of moles, hold a significant importance. Did you know, these moles hold the secret to your success and failure?