एससी-एसटी एक्ट के विरोध में भारत बंद की अगुवाई करने वाले देवकीनंदन ठाकुर को आगरा में गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया. हालांकि बाद उन्हें तुरंत जमानत भी मिल गई है. कथावाचक ठाकुर देवकीनन्दन एससी एसटी एक्ट कानून का विरोध करने आज आगरा आये थे. लेकिन प्रशासन ने उन्हें अनुमति नहीं दी थी. अनुमति न मिलने पर उन्होंने आगरा में एक होटल में प्रेस कांफ्रेंस की. प्रेस कांफ्रेंस के तत्काल बाद उनको धारा 151 में गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया. पुलिस उनको गिरफ्तार कर पुलिस लाइन ले गई. देवकीनन्दन क आरोप है कि उनको बदनाम करने की कोशिश की जा रही है. Devkinandan Thakur arrested by police after he held a presser and later given bailDevkinandan Thakur, who led the Bharat bandh against the SC-ST Act, was arrested in Agra. However, they got bail soon afterwards. The spiritual guru Thakur Devainkindan had come to Agra today to protest the SC ST Act. But the administration did not allow them. On receipt of permission, he held a press conference in a hotel in Agra. Immediately after the press conference, he was arrested in Section 151. The police arrested them and took the police line. DevKinandan is accused of trying to defame them.
Devkinandan Thakur, who led the Bharat bandh against the SC-ST Act, was arrested in Agra. However, they got bail soon afterwards. The spiritual guru Thakur Devainkindan had come to Agra today to protest the SC ST Act. But the administration did not allow them. On receipt of permission, he held a press conference in a hotel in Agra. Immediately after the press conference, he was arrested in Section 151. The police arrested them and took the police line. DevKinandan is accused of trying to defame them.