देवशयनी एकादशी एक ऐसा पावन दिन है जब श्री हरि की महाकृपा मिल सकती है. लेकिन साथ ही देशयनी एकादशी से शुभ काम भी बंद हो जाएंगे क्योंकि इसी दिन से देव शयन को चले जाएंगे. आज हम आपको बताएंगे, देवशयनी एकादशी की महिमा और जानेंगे देवशयनी एकादशी का पौराणिक महत्व.
Devshayani Ekadashi falls on the eleventh day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Ashada (22 June - 22 July). It is also known as Ashadi Ekadashi, Maha Ekadashi, Ashadi Ekadashi, Toli Ekadashi, Padma Ekadashi, Devpodhi Ekadashi and Hari Sayana Ekadasi. In Maharashtra, the annual Padharpur Yatra or holy pilgrimage to the Padharpur temple comes to an end on this day. In the south, this day is identified as Toli Ekadashi.It is believed that Lord Vishnu chooses to go to a long sleep in the Ksheer Sagar (milky ocean) on this day.