क्या वाकई प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के रोड शो को निशाना बना सकते हैं माओवादी? क्या मोदी के खिलाफ माओवादियों ने रची है खौफनाक साजिश? ये सवाल न होते तो शायद एक साथ देश भर के कई शहरों में पुणे पुलिस की छापेमारी नहीं होती. देखिए रिपोर्ट.PM's life threat?Can the Prime Minister Modi's road show target a Maoist? Have the Maoists created a terrible conspiracy against Modi? If these questions were not there, then maybe there is no raids in Pune city police stations in many cities across the country. Lets see the report.
PM's life threat? Can the Prime Minister Modi's road show target a Maoist? Have the Maoists created a terrible conspiracy against Modi? If these questions were not there, then maybe there is no raids in Pune city police stations in many cities across the country. Lets see the report.