कश्मीर में अगले तीन महीने बहुत बड़ी चुनौती वाले होंगे, क्योंकि अब आतंकवादियों और हुर्रियत गैंग की नजर में वो पंचायत चुनाव खटक रहे होंगे. जो पंचायत चुनाव अक्टूबर से लेकर दिसंबर के बीच होने वाले हैं. जिन चुनावों को लेकर सरकार और सुरक्षाबलों से कमर कस ली है.J-K Panchayat elections will be a very big challengeIn Jammu and Kashmir, the next three months will be a very big challenge, because Panchayat elections are scheduled to take place between October to December. The government and security forces are ready for action against terrorists and the Hurriyat gang in upcoming elections.
J-K Panchayat elections will be a very big challenge In Jammu and Kashmir, the next three months will be a very big challenge, because Panchayat elections are scheduled to take place between October to December. The government and security forces are ready for action against terrorists and the Hurriyat gang in upcoming elections.