मैं भाग्य हूं...वही भाग्य जो आपको हमेशा सही राह दिखाने और सफलता के रास्ते दिखाने आता हूं. कई बार आप मेरी सलाह को अनदेखा कर देते हैं और दुख उठाते हैं. इन्हीं आदतों में से एक आदत दूसरों को फिजूल सलाह देना है. जबकि सिर्फ उन्हीं लोगों को सलाह देनी चाहिए, जो ऐसा चाहते हों. ताकि आपकी सलाह का सम्मान भी हो. Main Bhagya HoonI am fate...the same fate which will show you the right way and show the path of success. Many times you ignore my advice and take pains. One of these habits is to give free advice to others. Whereas only those who want it should be advised. So that your advice is respected too.
Main Bhagya Hoon I am fate...the same fate which will show you the right way and show the path of success. Many times you ignore my advice and take pains. One of these habits is to give free advice to others. Whereas only those who want it should be advised. So that your advice is respected too.