एस्ट्रो अंकल आज आपको बताएंगे वत्स द्वादशी पर होगा संतान का कल्याण. 7 सितंबर को वत्स द्वादशी है, व्रत और पूजा से संतान का कल्याण होगा, उनकी उन्नती होगी, पढ़ाई और नौकरी में लाभ मिलेगा. भादो महीने की त्रयोदशी तिथि को वत्स द्वादशी मनाई जाएगी, शुक्र स्वराशि में और गुरु तुला राशि में हैं, दोनों मिलकर युति बना रहे हैं.Astro Uncle : Vatsa Dwadashi For the long life of male child Vatsa Dwadashi is celebrated in Bhadrapad on the day of Krishna Paksha Dwadashi. This fast is observed by females to get blessed with a sons, and mothers for the luck and longevity of their male child. In present times, this fast is majorly observed in some regions of Rajasthan. The females of the family worship the cows and calves on this day and offer dry coconut to the calves as Prasad.
Vatsa Dwadashi is celebrated in Bhadrapad on the day of Krishna Paksha Dwadashi. This fast is observed by females to get blessed with a sons, and mothers for the luck and longevity of their male child. In present times, this fast is majorly observed in some regions of Rajasthan. The females of the family worship the cows and calves on this day and offer dry coconut to the calves as Prasad.