जल्द ही आमलोगों और पर्यावरण को बड़ी राहत मिलने वाली है. 'एक देश, एक कार्ड' योजना पब्लिक ट्रांसपोर्ट सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाएगी. इसका ट्रायल अगले तीन से चार महीने में होगा.One nation, one card policy for public transport soonIndia will soon have a one-nation-one-card policy for public transport. The policy will help in bringing seamless connectivity between various modes of transport.
One nation, one card policy for public transport soon India will soon have a one-nation-one-card policy for public transport. The policy will help in bringing seamless connectivity between various modes of transport.