
संजय सिन्हा से सुनिए प्रेरणादायी कहानी

संजय सिन्हा से सुनिए प्रेरणादायी कहानी

महाभारत काल में एक राक्षस हुआ करता था, वो एक बार एक गांव में घुस गया और ऐलान किया कि वो सबको खा जाएगा. गांव का मुखिया चालाक था, उसने राक्षस से अनुरोध किया कि वो सबको एक साथ न खाए. बल्कि रोज़ एक-एक आदमी को खाए. Sanjay Sinha's Inspirational Story There used to be a monster in the Mahabharata period, he once entered a village and announced that he would eat all of them. The village head was clever, he requested the monster not to eat all of them together. Rather eat a man every day.

There used to be a monster in the Mahabharata period, he once entered a village and announced that he would eat all of them. The village head was clever, he requested the monster not to eat all of them together. Rather eat a man every day.
