सुबह-सुबह अखबार पलटता हूं तो मन खिन्न हो जाता है. टीवी देखने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मन उदास हो जाता है.हर ओर वही मार-धाड़, उठा-पटक, आपा-धापी, चिल्ल-पौं. हर आदमी एक-दूसरे को मारने-काटने में लगा है. सब अपनी कमीज़ की सफेदी की जगह दूसरे की कमीज़ की सफेदी देखने में लगे हैं. लगता है लोग जीना भूल गए हैं, लोग शांति से दूर हो गए हैं. know today sanjay sinha kahani If the newspaper turns up in the morning, then the mind becomes sad. If you try to watch TV then the mind becomes depressed. All the same rituals, uprootes, fluttering, screaming, screaming Every man is engaged in killing and biting each other. Instead of whitewashing all of their shirt, others are looking at the whiteness of the shirt. It seems that people have forgotten to live, people have been away from peace.
If the newspaper turns up in the morning, then the mind becomes sad. If you try to watch TV then the mind becomes depressed. All the same rituals, uprootes, fluttering, screaming, screaming Every man is engaged in killing and biting each other. Instead of whitewashing all of their shirt, others are looking at the whiteness of the shirt. It seems that people have forgotten to live, people have been away from peace.