Underwater 'ghost village' frozen in time set to resurface and you can visit https://t.co/79klFpGL5K pic.twitter.com/igUbPjPDGs
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) June 4, 2020
Village Buried At The Bottom Of A Lake Set To Reappear The Italian village of Fabbriche di Careggine that is currently buried at the bottom of a lake is set to resurface. Famous for the pro https://t.co/j8fjzmei5m
— DisNaija (@Dis_Naija) June 1, 2020
Emerge un pueblo "fantasma" medieval hundido en el fondo de un lago.
— Julio (@Julioac13) June 4, 2020
Italia se prepara para vaciar el Lago di Vagli, creado artificialmente para contener las aguas de una represa en 1953. Eso implica que podrá verse, nuevamente, el pueblo de Fabbriche di Careggine. La Nación pic.twitter.com/URhvCQLNtg