इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) के पूर्व चीफ ललित मोदी इन दिनों भारतीय सियासत में छाए हुए हैं. उनसे जुड़े विवाद में राजस्थान की मुख्यमंत्री वसुंधरा राजे की कुर्सी जाते-जाते बची. अब ललित मोदी ने ट्विटर के जरिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को एक मैसेज दिया है.
ललित मोदी ने ट्वीट किया-
Our PM is most savy man. He does not need my advise. When he bats he will hit the ball out of the park.#respect only https://t.co/KBurTiRiad
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) June 26, 2015
I promise you sitting in london I have created the highest TRP show In history #LALITGATE - just 👀 across all 📻🌏📺 🙏🇮🇳 pic.twitter.com/3q72k90BeZ
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) June 26, 2015
1/3 Happy to meet the Gandhi Family http://t.co/43iiC6mL9w in London. I had run into Robert and Priyanka separately pic.twitter.com/JTnaE6eX1A
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) June 25, 2015
2/3 in a resturant - they were with Timmy Sarna. He has my no. They can call me. Will tell them what I feel about pic.twitter.com/uz4SBMayXS
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) June 25, 2015
3/3 them exactly. Will mince no words. Will make no deal. But tell them witch hunt will now make them realize I was 😇 pic.twitter.com/3IX7FuWpYA
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) June 25, 2015